Buckwheat Shortcrust Pastry – Gluten, Dairy and Gum Free

I was asked to create a recipe for shortcrust pastry for gluten and casein free diet, with both animal and plant-based fats. Lard was my choice for animal fat, and coconut oil – as plant-based solid fat. I will not deny my apprehension for creating the recipe based purely on lard. But here it is – buckwheat shortcrust pastry, which makes shortcrust biscuits with the best taste and texture.


Since the moment I realised that it is possible to make gluten free biscuits, free of any gums, simply by using wholegrain buckwheat flour, I tried several different versions of gluten free shortcrust pastry. In my previous published recipe I used the mixture of organic millet and organic buckwheat flours. This time I used only buckwheat flour with pure 100% pork fat, to replace butter as the ingredient.

When I was rubbing lard into buckwheat flour, the smell of animal fat was quite prominent. To combat that in biscuits, I used Dutch spices mix for cookies – Speculaaskruiden, which I was given as a present from our friend. The most peculiar thing was, that there was no smell during baking, and none of the even hint of the smell or taste of animal fat was present in biscuits. In fact, and it is very hard to admit, biscuits made with lard were tastier and had better shortcrust texture, compared to butter ones.


  • 280g organic buckwheat  flour
  • 125g lard, pure pork fat
  • 100g sugar
  • 15g organic coconut sugar
  • 10g vanilla sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 tea spoon gluten free baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 tea spoon Speculaaskruiden (Dutch spice mix)
  • 1 table spoon cold water
  • tapioca flour for dusting
  • sugar, cinnamon, sliced almonds for decoration (optional)


The process of dough preparation is identical to that, when butter was used as the source of fat, please see step by step preparation here. There were two small differences.  Lard is softer compared to butter, and this allowed to use it in dough preparation straight from the fridge. It was very easy to rub lard into buckwheat flour. The second difference included the necessity to use cold water to make the dough come together in a ball from crumbs.


Buckwheat shortcrust based on lard, formed a dough a touch softer. It was sometimes necessary to use tapioca flour to roll the dough, but it was still very pliable dough to work with. I believe that the taste and texture of baked dough can be attributed to the higher content of fat in biscuits. While butter has usually 83-86%  of fat, and 125g of butter contains around 105g of fat, lard, which is 100% fat, brings more 20g fat into the dough. Biscuits were hard and crumbly simultaneously and melted in the mouth. Coconut sugar and Dutch spice mix gave wonderful overtones to biscuit’s flavour. I can’t  wait to make frangipane tartlets using this shortcrust pastry.


This pastry can be used to bake tartlet shells to fill with any dairy free fillings, as shown on featured image.

12 thoughts on “Buckwheat Shortcrust Pastry – Gluten, Dairy and Gum Free

  1. Very interesting. I’ve cooked with goose fat before but not pork fat. I bet the biscuits were crumbly and moreish. Great idea!

    1. You are absolutely right, their texture was so unexpected. I would have never thought that anything could be better than butter. Coconut oil is next on the list. I have to make decent grain and dairy free shortcrust. I managed to make one non sweet, now I have to make the sweet one.

    1. I did not know either before I tried. I am truly grateful to my readers who asked me to use non-dairy animal fats. Without their request it would have never crossed my mind.

  2. Irena, the recipe sounds and looks amazing! I have all the ingredients on hand, the only question – can I mix the dough in a food processor/stand mixer? Have a bit of a problem with my wrist. Also can I substitute baking powder with soda+vinegar which I prefer using in all of my baking?

    1. Hi Anna, I have never tried to make the dough in stand mixer, but I am sure you can do it without any problems. If using this dough to make crusts or thin biscuits you do not need to add any raising agent at all. Nowadays I omit this ingredient.

  3. Good evening Irena! Just to let you know that the biscuits were huge success! Used my stand mixer without any problems. Thinking of baking one of my favourites – тертый пирог – with this dough (fingers crossed). Also made some pasta using your recipe for soba noodles – another success! Thank you for all your excellent recipes 🙂

    1. Anna, your both successes are music to my ears. I treated myself to new Breville stand mixer, tried it first yesterday for 3 ingredients corn flour biscuits – absolutely amazing result. Whipping eggs went better than with my favourite Cuisinart whisk, and flour folding did not deflate the batter at all. I will try yeast dough which I usually do by hand and see how it goes. Gluten free baking needs are somehow different to regular baking, so qualities in the mixer I was looking for are mot mainstream. Thank you for writing.

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